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Expectations on All Settings (Universally Available Provision)

A person in a wheelchair in front of a set of stairs, a door and an assisted ramp.

Universally Available Provision (UAP)

What Universally Available Provision (UAP) is: 

The UAP is a way of describing the support all schools in East Sussex should provide to all children and young people.

This will allow them to thrive in their setting. The term settings include:

Who UAP involves:

All setting staff, CYP and parent/carers work in collaboration.

The aim of UAP:

To support all CYP to attend their local setting and make sustained academic progress. It also enables CYP to develop social and emotional skills.

UAP outlines some of the expected practices and adaptations within high-quality and inclusive teaching and learning. It is informed by:

This information sits alongside the information provided on our web pages:

Parents and carers may find this information below useful. It highlights best practice and the expectation in school for the support of CYP with SEND.


What to expect of the setting:

The setting’s leadership, including the governing body, demonstrates an inclusive ethos. This aims to provide all CYP with an educational experience that enables them to thrive.

Strategy overview:

What to expect of the setting:

The setting’s leadership build a structure of shared responsibility. This will allow all staff to respond to the unique needs of each CYP.

Strategy overview:

Pastoral Support for All

What to expect of the setting:

The setting adopts a whole setting therapeutic approach. This will help to support all CYP and staff which enables them to thrive.

Strategy overview:


What to expect of the setting:

Staff understand and use Assessment for Learning (AFL) tools. These will help to identify progress, gaps and needs in learning.

Strategy overview:

What to Expect of the Setting

Use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle at least 3 times a year. This will ensure that CYP, including those with additional needs, are making progress.

Strategy overview:

What to expect of the setting:

Staff make reasonable adjustments to enable all CYP to access the full curriculum.

Strategy overview:

What to Expect of the Setting

Staff have an awareness of ensuring exams/tests are accessible to all.

Strategy Overview

Co-production With CYP and Parent/Carers

What to expect of the setting:

Staff work together with parent/carers and CYP at all stages of the journey. This will help to ensure progress is made and sustained.

Strategy overview:

The Physical and Sensory Environment

What to expect of the setting:

Adapt all areas of the physical environment in the setting to meet the needs of all CYP.

Strategy overview:

Teaching and Learning

What to expect of the setting:

CYP make good progress and thrive in their local setting. This is through inclusive high-quality teaching and learning.

Strategy overview:

Staff Training and Skills

What to expect of the setting:

There is a plan for ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This will be for teachers, and Teaching Assistants in relation to all CYP making progress.

Strategy overview:

What to Expect of the Setting

There is a plan for ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for SLT in relation to all CYP making progress.

Strategy Overview

There is a planned programme of ongoing CPD.


What to expect of the setting:

Support for all CYP for routine and life transitions when required.

Strategy overview:

Transitions include moving around the setting. For example:

Staff are aware of CYP who will need extra support for all or most transitions. Plan for these transitions. Support may include:

Information is sought and shared about the CYP. Provide support where needed to enable successful transitions between setting. For example, extra visits to a new setting/classroom with a familiar trusted adult. This can also include providing transition booklets.

Additional Help and Support


Amaze SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) are a local charity. They offer free, independent, and impartial advice for all matters relating to SEND. Contact Amaze SENDIASS by:

Visit the Amaze SENDIASS web page.

East Sussex Local Offer directory of services

You can visit our SEND-specific online directory, hosted on East Sussex 1Space. The directory lists many different services both throughout the county and online. Services cover many topics, including:

Visit the East Sussex Local Offer directory.

NHS - Health A to Z

The East Sussex Local Offer aims to provide as much information as possible. There may be some conditions that aren't covered in thorough detail. The NHS website has pages that list all conditions. These pages provide information and advice on how to get extra support:

Visit the NHS Health A to Z web page.

Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms

We explain some of the terms used on this website on our page, Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms.

Get in touch