School Transport and SEND

School and College Transport
East Sussex County Council provide free transport to school, for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in East Sussex who:
- are under the age of 16 and
- meet the criteria on either walking distance or low income
This is regardless of their SEND.
We will consider the needs and circumstances of children who do not meet these criteria and have an Education, Health and Care (EHCP). We will provide travel assistance for these children where necessary. We will consider their ability to walk to school (with an adult if needed) and other health and safety concerns related to their SEND.
We will only provide assistance when the child is attending the nearest suitable school to their home. This is the nearest maintained school to the child’s home that can meet the child’s needs. The EHCP may name the parents’ or carers’ choice of school. If the child’s needs could be met at a nearer school, the County Council may not provide assistance.
You can find out more on the main East Sussex County Council website:
You can also visit our directory listing for SEND Specialist School Transport on 1Space.
Personal Travel Budget (PTB)
A personal travel budget could help you to arrange your child or young person’s travel. We may offer you a PTB if we can’t offer you other travel assistance.
- your child or young person must be eligible for the Council’s travel assistance to school or college
- there must be no other suitable transport we can arrange, like taxis or a minibus
- you’ll be responsible for arranging all your child or young person’s school or college journeys
You can use it to help pay for the cost of transporting your child or young person to school or college.
Find out more about PTB, by visiting the main East Sussex County Council website:
Bus Travel
Anyone aged 5 and over with a qualifying disability can apply for a disabled person's bus pass. This pass allows for free off-peak travel on local buses. The main East Sussex County Council site provides more information. This includes the meaning of a qualifying disability, and how to apply:
There are further discounts available to children and young people who use buses. A child or young person does not need to have SEND to access the discounts below:
- Bus travel discounts for young people and students | East Sussex County Council
- The education Freedom Pass explained | East Sussex County Council
- East Sussex school and college buses | Stagecoach
Train Travel
There are train discounts and railcards available to those with disabilities, and for their companion. The main East Sussex County Council site provides more information:
Southeast Communities Rail Partnership offer a ‘Try a Train’ experience. This provides an opportunity for those who lack confidence travelling by train. It allows them to visit their train stations and to experience a train journey.
They are for people who have any form of disability or access needs who wish to build their confidence when travelling. The trips are also available to those who may encounter other barriers to travelling. For example, senior citizens, non-English speakers, low income families.
Additional Help and Support
Amaze SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) are a local charity. They offer free, independent, and impartial advice for all matters relating to SEND. Contact Amaze SENDIASS by:
- Phone - 01273 772 289
- Email -
Visit the Amaze SENDIASS web page.
East Sussex Local Offer directory of services
You can visit our SEND-specific online directory, hosted on East Sussex 1Space. The directory lists many different services both throughout the county and online. Services cover many topics, including:
- Advice, Guidance and Support Groups
- Activities and Events
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Visit the East Sussex Local Offer directory.
NHS - Health A to Z
The East Sussex Local Offer aims to provide as much information as possible. There may be some conditions that aren't covered in thorough detail. The NHS website has pages that list all conditions. These pages provide information and advice on how to get extra support:
Visit the NHS Health A to Z web page.
Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms
We explain some of the terms used on this website on our page, Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms.