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Enhancing Inclusive Practice Fund Projects

Three people standing, one person sat in a chair and one person sat in a wheelchair, around a table. One of the children is wearing ear defenders.


East Sussex Schools’ Forum made funding of £4 million available for projects listed on this page. This is from the Schools’ High Needs Block fund. This was part of East Sussex County Councils' collective vision that 'All pupils in East Sussex will be part of an excellent, inclusive and equitable education system'.

The funding is for:

These groups will collaborate to pilot new and innovative projects in their locality. The aim of these projects is to develop and enhance high quality inclusive practice for children and young people with SEND.

For project updates as of December 2024:

Please note, SEND is a short way of saying Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

We have created an overview video. You can view this, below:

Schools’ Forum identified the outcomes that the pilot projects should address:

The Local Authority co-ordinated a steering group. This group consists of Headteachers, Trust CEOs and SENCos (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators). The group decided on the following five areas to explore:

We will review the impact of all projects so that we can share any learning across the county.

Three rounds of applications have taken place. All 19 projects were commissioned through grant agreements. All the projects, across six strands of action, are now underway. Settings involved in the projects include:

All funding goes to the schools who directly:

Working groups manage the projects. This involves Educational Psychologists and Local Authority officers, who provide support and challenge. The working groups across each project provide a platform for:

These projects will take place over 2 academic years. The first projects started in September 2023.

The Aim

The aim of the project is to promote an inclusive mainstream education system in East Sussex. This includes:

Monitoring and Evaluating the Programmes

Parent and pupil feedback are vital to the monitoring and evaluation process. We will collect feedback for the SEND pupils involved in the projects via:

This will include:

You can find out more by reading our ‘Appendix 3’ PDF:

A working group has been set up for each strand. The group includes representatives from:

The group allows us to:

The group meets twice a year (end of terms 3 and 6). This follows monitoring data captures and reports being shared with the group.

You can find out more by reading our 'Appendix 4' PDF:

For more information or to express interest in discussing a potential project, email:

This page will provide examples of some of the commissioned projects.

Development of an Enhanced Family Support Offer for Children With SEND

Why we chose this project

This project aims to address the challenges which often present themselves to families. These challenges then impact on the child. 

We have created a video to explain why the Rye Alliance has chosen to deliver this project. You can view the video, below:

This project is commissioned for:

Rye Alliance - working with:

St Richards Catholic College - working with:

University of Brighton Trust - working with:

Wealden & Ashdown Alliance - working with:

Please see our case study PDF to find out more:

We have also created two case study videos:

Please note, these case studies took place at the half way point through the project.

Early Identification and Early Intervention in Nursery Provision To Support Transition Into EYFS

Why we chose this project

Early identification makes sure provision is in place for children with SEND before gaps emerge. This can include gaps in progress and development.

We have created a video to explain why the Fellowship of St Nicholas has chosen to deliver this project. You can view the video, below:

This project is commissioned for:

Fellowship of St Nicholas Nurseries:

Please see our case study PDF to find out more:

We have also created a case study video:

Please note, these case studies took place at the half way point through the project.

Improving Expertise and Availability of SEND Support for Local School Alliances

Why we chose this project

Improving expertise and availability of SEND support is important. It can ensure schools are more effective in helping pupils with SEND. This will help them to achieve their best outcomes.

We have created a video to explain why the Chailey Alliance has chosen to deliver this project. You can view the video, below:

This project is commissioned for:

Chailey Alliance – working with:

STEP Academy Trust - working with:

Heathfield Community College – working with:

The Hastings Academy – working with:

Please see our case study PDF to find out more:

We have also created a case study video:

Please note, these case studies took place at the half way point through the project.

Creating a Workforce Development Programme for Support Staff

Why we chose this project

Increasing the skill of support staff will ensure every child receives the support that meets their needs.

We have created a video to explain why the Eastbourne Alliance has chosen this project. You can view the video, below:

This project is commissioned for:

Eastbourne Alliance 2 - working with:

Uckfield College - working with:

Langley Primary Academy - working with:

Wadhurst Alliance – working with:

Please see our case study PDF to find out more:

We have also created a case study video:

Please note, these case studies took place at the half way point through the project.

Supporting Transition to Secondary School

Why we chose this project

Transitioning to a new school can be a concern for children and young people. Concerns may include:

These can be even more challenging for pupils with SEND.

We have created a video to explain why Seaford Head School has chosen to deliver this project. You can view the video, below:

This project is commissioned for:

Seaford Schools – working with:

Seahaven Academy/Denton – working with:

Beacon Academy – working with:

St Catherine’s College – working with:

Please see our case study PDF to find out more:

We have also created a case study video:

You can also hear from a pupil involved in this case study:

Please note, these videos were made at the half way point through the project.

Supporting Transition from Secondary to 16+

Why we chose this project

Transitioning from secondary to 16+ can be a concern for children and young people. Concerns may include:

These can be even more challenging for pupils with SEND.

We have created a video to explain why Plumpton has chosen to deliver this project. You can view the video, below:

This project is commissioned for:

Plumpton – working with:

Bexhill College  – working with:

Please see our case study PDF to find out more:

Please note, this case study took place at the half way point through the project.

Please note:

If you have any thoughts or queries about the projects on this page, please email:

Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms

We explain some of the terms used on this website on our page, Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms.

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