Youth Groups and Activities

Become a Young SEND Ambassador
About the Young SEND Ambassadors
The Young SEND Ambassadors are a youth group. They represent and advocate for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They meet a couple of times a month to discuss their thoughts and views. These meetings help to create change, ensuring that the youth voice is at the heart of Education East Sussex services.
Projects for the Ambassadors
Previous and current projects include:
- Representing East Sussex County Council at a national level. This has been at the Council for Disabled Children Youth Voice Matters conference
- Being involved in recruiting staff at East Sussex County Council
- Co-producing the East Sussex SEND Strategy
- Sitting on the Commissioning and Monitoring Board. Helping to decide how we make budget decisions in Education East Sussex
- Being a member of the SEND Strategy Governance Board
- Having opportunities to regularly talk to Senior Leaders in Education East Sussex
- Work together with other youth voice groups. This includes the Youth Cabinet and Children in Care Council
Upcoming projects include:
- Presenting and facilitating workshops at the Inclusion Conference
- Visits to i-go providers
- Developing a Q&A webinar with Education East Sussex staff for other young people with SEND
The group also offers the chance to meet other young people who have experienced involvement within the SEND community.
For more information about becoming a Young SEND Ambassador, please email:

Other SEND Youth Groups
There are various other SEND Youth Groups across East Sussex that children and young people can get involved with:
Amazing Future Youth Group provide peer support for young people (aged 14-25) with additional needs in East Sussex and Brighton and Hove. You can find out more on the Amaze website:
Funky Teens are a group of young people (aged 13-19) with physical or learning disabilities. They get together for various group activities. Find out more about:
- Funky Teens (Eastbourne) | East Sussex 1Space
- Funky Teens (Hastings) | East Sussex 1Space
- Funky Teens (Heathfield) | East Sussex 1Space
Nik Naks Youth Group are a youth group for young people (aged 19-24) with mild to moderate learning disabilities:
Chailey Heritage Foundation provide education and support for children and young people with SEN. They offer lots of different services for children, young people, and their families. You can find out more on the Chailey Heritage Foundation website:
Youth Hubs
Youth Hubs offer a chance for young people to meet with others, across East Sussex. These hubs offer opportunities to share experiences and ideas with other young people. This includes SEN groups:
Youth Activities and Events
This site has a page which signposts to other services that offer activities and events. Activities and events listed are either online, or throughout East Sussex:
East Sussex Local Offer, on 1Space
Part of the East Sussex Local Offer is our SEND-specific online directory. It is hosted on East Sussex 1Space. The directory lists activities and events for children, young people, parents and carers throughout East Sussex:
i-go: The Children and Young People’s Additional Needs Register is a register and free leisure discount card for 0-25’s with additional needs living or studying in East Sussex. This could include learning, physical, or social, emotional and mental health needs. A diagnosis isn’t always necessary.
The i-go leisure discount card gives you exciting offers from i-go partners. This includes leisure centres, attractions, activities and clubs. The website also provides accessibility information to help you plan your visit.
Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms
We explain some of the terms used on this website on our page, Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms.