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This website is only one part of the Local Offer; we also have a directory which you can visit at

Personal Health and Wellbeing

Three children and an adult sat on the floor meditating.

Confidence, Motivation and Future Planning

Time to Talk Next Steps

Time to Talk Next Steps is a three-year project (2021-2024). It was created by National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTI). It aims to support young people with additional needs to:

Time to Talk Next Steps is free support for young people (16-25) in England with additional needs. It is for young people who are experiencing:

You may be in school or in college or have finished all education and be unsure how to move forward.

Visit the NDTI website for more information, including what support they offer:


Amaze are a local charity. They have created a fact sheet. It provides lots of information and advice for young people planning for your future:

Amazing Futures are a part of Amaze. They provide a career support programme. This supports young people to figure out your best next steps, and helps you feel ready to take them:

NHS East Sussex Children

This is a website that covers various topics that may affect children and young people. This includes confidence. Their site outlines information, advice and support:

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

This site has a page about Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). The page shares information, guidance and advice:

1Space Directory

You can also find lots of SEMH support services on the 1Space directory:

Physical Health and Wellbeing

A teacher lecturing a class of children / young people.

Physical Fitness

The main NHS website has lots of useful resources about:

The resources are for children and young people:

They also have a page with advice for people with physical and mobility difficulties. This includes wheelchair users:

You can also visit our websites' page on activities and events. This page highlights various ways that young people with SEND can stay active:

Please note, SEND is a short term for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Healthy Diet

Eating healthy is as important as staying active. The NHS site has lots of useful pages with information. This includes recommended diets and help with managing weight with a learning disability:


NHS East Sussex Children also provide a web page outlining the HENRY programme. This programme is:

You can find out more on the NHS East Sussex Children website:

General Practitioners and Doctors

Your General Practitioner (GP) is usually the first person you go to if you have a health issue. If you don't currently have a GP, you should visit the NHS website. This site lists GPs throughout East Sussex. It also highlights the services they provide:

Dentists / Dentistry

Children and Young People with SEND may need a specialist dental service. This can be due to several factors. In the case of East Sussex, the NHS offer the Special Care Dental Service (SCDS). The SCDS provides treatment to children and young people who need special care dentistry relating to:

To learn more about the SCDS, please visit the NHS website:

You can also visit the main NHS website, for more general information about dentists:

Learning Disability Register and Annual Health Checks

Young people talking, putting their hands up and working.

Learning Disability Register

The learning disability register is a list of individuals with a learning disability. This is kept by General Practitioner (GPs). Your doctor’s surgery will keep their own list.

Your doctor can use it to make sure you get the right support and in the right ways.

You, a carer or a family member will need to contact your doctor's surgery if you wish to join the register.

Benefits of joining the register include reasonable adjustments being made to GP appointments. Adjustments may include:

Find out more by visiting the main East Sussex County Council website:

Annual Health Checks

Annual health checks are for people with a learning disability who are over 14 years old.

Your doctor or nurse will carry out the annual health check. They take place once a year, every year after you turn 14. The aim is to help children and young people stay healthy. Your doctor or nurse will contact you by giving you a phone-call, or sending you a letter or email.

Please note, you need to be on the learning disability register to be invited to an annual health check.

During the check, a doctor or a nurse should ask you questions such as:

A doctor or nurse may also:

The doctor or nurse will provide a health action plan at the end of your annual health check. Your health action plan is specific to you and should tell you the things you need to do to keep healthy.

Find out more by visiting the main East Sussex County Council website:

Learning Disability Liaison Service

The NHS also offer a learning disability liaison service. The service is for those accessing hospital and community services. It aims to:

A full-time learning disability nurse specialist can support:

Find out more by visiting the NHS website:

Sexual Health, Sexuality and Relationships

Sexual Health and Relationships

Contact is a national charity. They have produced a guide that explains more about:

All these topics are for those with a disability:

Contact have also developed a parent carer guide. This guide highlights how they can support young people transition into adulthood:

NHS East Sussex Children includes a web page with useful sexual health information. The web page is for children and young people:

Sexuality and Gender Identity

Childline have a section on their website that shares information and advice about:

Visit the Childline website to find out more:

Allsorts Youth Project are a local charity. They listen to, connect and support children and young people under 26 who are:

They also offer support to their families:

NHS East Sussex Children has web pages with useful information about sexuality and gender identity:

Online Safety and SEND

Someone using a laptop, which is displaying both the East Sussex Local Offer and East Sussex 1Space logos.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NPSCC) are a charity. They have a web page that offers resources for children accessing the internet. The page offers advice to parents and carers. The information can also prove useful for children and young people with SEND. It aims to help them to navigate online by themselves:

Childline also provide information relating to online safety. This aims to have useful insight for both children and young people when using the internet:

Personal Assistants

Some young people may need a personal assistant (PA). PA's can assist with daily personal or business-related tasks.

The East Sussex 1Space directory lists hundreds of personal assistants around the county. You can use the filters on the directory to find the most suitable PA for your needs. This may include PA's that specialise in helping people with a specific type of SEND:

Please note, each PA is likely to be a paid-for service. Please contact the individual PA to find out about costs.

Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms

We explain some of the terms used on this website on our page, Glossary of East Sussex SEND Terms.

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